Seperating-Axis GJK and contact information generation algorithm

10 Oct 2010
  1. Use Seperating-Axis GJK metioned here: Also add some kind of margin when using SA-GJK. So we can saftly do a early out, assume that if dot(A, D) < 0, no intersection.
  2. If intersection is found, in other words the SA-GJK does generate a simplex which contains the origin. Then we can use the simplex generated from SA-GJK as intial simplex input to EPA to calculate contact information, such as, contact points and normal, penetration depth.

做个笔记,记录下脑袋里边东西…研究了两个星期Collision detection,看得我抓狂。反正我现在的想法就是这样的…那个所谓SA-GJK,作为一个quick test(当然在此之前还需要broad phase collision detection check),确定两个物体在有margin的情况下是否有碰撞。如果有碰撞(没碰撞,当然就没他们啥事儿了),那就需要更进一步确定是否真正的碰撞,如何碰撞的…



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